
SCATA Members Newsletter October 2018

Dear SCATA Member

As the Winter Solstice approaches, I have a few news items for you.

Paperless Peri-Operative Medicine

For those attending the SCATA Open Standards Working Group meeting in Belfast on Friday 22nd February 2019, Sandy has negotiated a preferential room rate at a central hotel. If you'd like to attend, can you let myself or Sandy know whether you require a room reservation please. SCATA can give a limited amount of financial assistance to members attending the event, where the member is unable to get funding from their employer. Please let either myself or Andrew Norton ( know in advance if you would like SCATA to make a contribution toward your expenses.

Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA) Annual Meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona

I'm delighted to say that Cyrus Razavi, one of SCATA's trainee members will be our nominated exchange speaker for the STA's event in January. He may or may not be joined by our new Secretary, Craig Johnstone. Craig is currently trying to work out his leave arrangements for January but hopefully he'll be enjoying some winter sunshine with Cyrus. The topic is an extension of some of the ideas presented in the free paper session in Cardiff back in May - returning images/video in addition to audio in response to a user's voice with the Echo View device. I am told that the session is being run in "American Idol" format and I really hope it can be shared at a later date.

Just a reminder that SCATA is sponsoring a session at this event and I'd encourage you to attend and support our speakers if you possibly can.

New Committee Appointments and Vacancies

As indicated above, Craig has been appointed Secretary for a 3-year term. He takes over from Alan Hope and this is an appropriate time for me to thank Alan for his contribution and cross my fingers that he'll return to the committee at some point. Sandy Davey has been elected as an Ordinary member, also for three years. We have two vacancies for trainees. May I ask that you nudge/cajole/bribe your local trainees into applying. That leaves just one vacancy for Events Co-Ordinator. This is a much less onerous role than you might expect, as the incumbent will be expected to support the local meeting organiser, chair and trade liaison in promoting SCATA events. If you'd like to know more, please feel free to reply to this email directly.

Apologies for repeating last month's announcement, but just a reminder that SCATA is now listed as a charity with Amazon Smile. If you would like to support us, please visit and search for "Society for Computing and Technology in Anaesthesia" or use our charity code 1002231-0. Each time you buy something on Amazon, 0.5% of the purchase price is donated to SCATA. There is an extension for Chrome that will remind you each time you hit the Amazon site.



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